Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Salt Lake 10 Miler

We drove up to Bountiful Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with my in-laws. The race started at 7:30 the next morning, so we took Grandma Catlin out to dinner and then headed to bed around 9:30pm after checking the weather. We realized we could be running in a blizzard with horrible winds, I prayed that it wouldn't be horrible and it could have been worse. We didn't sleep well at all and woke up around 4:30 am to get some oatmeal in before we left for the race. We drove to "This is the Place Monument" and waited for our friends to arrive to give us a lift to the starting line.

The run started at Little Dell Recreation area. The course went up and over Little Mountain down Emigration Canyon and finished at "This is the Place" monument. The map below shows the course:

Once we got to the start, we tried to stay warm and stayed in the car as long as possible. The video below Matthew took just after the gun went off:

The roads were wet, icy and snowy and the wind was brutal! The first 2.25 miles had a fairly steep incline before we hit the summit and started on the downhill. There were some parts of the incline with the wind blowing 30mph you just felt like you were running/jogging in place. It was awful, and I was only averaging a 12-13 minute mile for those first few miles. My IT Band started hurting soon after the start and I had to walk it out a few times. I started feeling pretty good once we headed downhill although I still felt some pain in my knees.

My pace was getting better and I finally felt like I was getting into the groove. At mile 8, I stopped for water. The stop was less than 60 seconds, but when I started running again the pain was excruciating. I was crying and whimpering. Matthew looked at me and asked if we need to stop and go get the medic, but I was determined to finish. It took another half mile to get into the groove again and mentally get past the pain, but I crossed the finish line hand in hand with Matthew with tears streaming down my face. It was an emotional run, frustrated I was feeling so much pain and wishing my body would have kept up with me, we finished slower than I would have liked, but we finished. Our time was: 1:41:00.06.

I went to the doctor this morning. I have Iliotibial Band Syndrome. The doctor gave me some stretches to do and I purchased a Foam Roller to help work out some of the inflammation. He said I should start seeing some improvement in the next week or so. I plan on doing some lighter training for the next couple of weeks. I am still looking forward to running the Provo City Half Marathon on May 1st and determined to get there no-matter-what!!!


Lindsey said...

Go Emily! I can't believe you ran the whole thing in pain! You are awesome! I love Matthew's video at the guys are so cute!

jack+alli said...

you are amazing, girl! running in those conditions, and in pain! amazing! you made excellent time, too! congrats and good luck on the 1/2 marathon!

Anonymous said...

oops! i said that!

Pitterle Postings said...

Emily, I love you so much! You are strong and courageous! Keep going. I know you will succeed. I read the site you linked to about the problem. One of the things it recommends was ultrasound and electrical stimulation. I have a tens machine (a little smaller than the one they use in physical theropy). Would you like me to send it to you so that you can borrow it?? I am so proud of you!!

Bethany said...

I love that video too!! WOW, such a feat. Your tears bring me to tears! You have such a good hubby, I love that you ran it together. ps. You just ran a friggin half marathon Elimy! IN THE SNOW! You're gonna BREEZE through the Provo City Half. I wish I could be there.

Sarah Garcia said...

Great job Emily!!! I'm so proud of you! It's the hardest thing to push through the pain, but you did it and you should be so proud you finished with such a great time! Keep going!

Amy Hunter said...

I agree! You ARE amazing! Wow! I couldn't have done it. I'm totally inspired by you! And, I'm extremely flattered that you would find my blog! I'm excited to keep tabs. Love ya, Amy

Anonymous said...

where have you gone?! i miss your cute crafts! hows your injury healing? i hope you're doing well :)