Thursday, December 23, 2010

No Secret Gift

My husband is the type that goes Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve and I never have any idea what he gets me. I think about his presents all year long, get them early and hope he won't guess what I got him. He ALWAYS guesses his gifts before he opens them and it drives me crazy.

This year I thought for sure I had the best idea ever!! He's always wanted a Road I.D. and I've always wanted to get him one for my piece of mind. He runs often and is wanting to train for another marathon and I get especially worried about him on his long 20+ mile runs. It's a great gift for anyone that spends a lot of time on the road.

I did all of my Christmas shopping online this year and I was especially excited when I was able to get free shipping and additional coupon codes, so I purchased his Road I.D.

Last week we were going over our budget, paying bills, etc. I have to watch t.v. while we do this because hubby moves a little slower than I would like and I go crazy if I don't have a distraction. This works for us...he has a little more time to analyze the data and I get to watch some t.v. I was interested in the show and all of a sudden he exclaims, "When did you get a Road I.D.?"

I was heartbroken. I nearly burst into tears and then I proceeded to raise my voice at him and get upset that he ALWAYS figures out his presents and I was excited that he wouldn't know what I got him and I failed. I was bummed. Christmas was ruined. He then says, "That's a great present and I still don't know what it looks like". (That wasn't helpful).

I finally got over it. I was still excited about my gift until a few days later when we got a knock on the door after he came home from work and he was handed this:

Had he not seen the transaction in our bank account I'm sure this would have given it away. Maybe someone should tell Road I.D. it may not be a good idea to advertise all over their packaging during the holidays!!

Oh well, I still think it was a brilliant gift idea!


Anonymous said...

bummer! it was a great idea!
i was just thinking when i went running last night how i really should get a road id.

i hope you have a merry christmas!!

Eaton Family said...

You get credit for the effort! This year I wrapped my husbands up and while I was gone and my husband in the shower my kids opened the presents! lol so he saw his too! I was bummed, no surprises! No matter what though I bet your husband loved the gifted anyways!!