Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HUGE sewing project

This is my second year as the Girl's Camp Director in my ward. As soon as camp was over last year, I started thinking about ideas for Girl's Camp this year. All my friends will tell you that I'm pretty much obsessed when it comes to camp. Just the other day I did a service project for Relief Society Enrichment and the whole time I was there I kept asking myself how we could do that same service project up at Girl's Camp.

This year our Stake Girl's Camp Theme is: "I Strive to be G.R.E.E.N. (Grateful, Respectful, Energetic, Example, Nice). We'll be incorporating ways to be environmentally friendly along with all of the other qualities that G.R.E.E.N. stands for. I was so excited when I first heard about the theme, my wheels immediately started turning...

Unfortunately, I can't give you the details about the project until AFTER Girl's Camp because the girl's don't even know what I'm doing (My girls look at my blog to see if they can find out what's going on). They have seen these green strips of fabric, in fact they got to pick out which one they wanted, but again they don't know what it's for. This is what I spent hours and hours on the first weekend I got my sewing machine. My wonderful MIL helped me sew and even came down this last weekend to help me finish the first half of the project. It's always so rewarding to see everything fall into place. :) I'll keep you posted on the project and I promise I'll post the whole thing in just a few short months!


Adria said...

i love the fabric, it's so cute! i can't wait to see what it is that you came up long do i have to wait?!?!

Anonymous said...

Te he. What do you mean your girls check your blog??? ;)

Why would we do such a thing like that... :D

(p.s. I really thought you were going to start talking about it!
:( )

Kim said...

Can't wait! I love LOVE the fabrics. Way cute. And what a fun theme for camp! I hope you wear green everyday!

Anonymous said...

oooooh.....i cant wait!

Bethany said...

those fabrics are SO pretty. i want to see! i'm coming over.