Last weekend Matthew and I drove down to Saint George with some friends for my 10K. We left Thursday afternoon and stayed until Saturday afternoon. The weather was beautiful and the resort we stayed at was amazing.
My friend, Jen, ran the race with me. It started up Snow Canyon State Park and finished in Ivins, UT. The run down the canyon was amazing. One of my favorite parts of the race was looking down the canyon and seeing the entire canyon filled with people wondering what goals they were reaching and why they were out running. I loved the race and I would do it again in a heart beat.
I was having problems with my IT Band and decided to change my form and run more from the middle of my foot to toe instead of heel to toe. I got some pretty sweet blisters because I wasn't used to the form and most of the race was downhill, but I still ran sub 10 minute miles and finished in 58:05.
We had such a great weekend with our friends eating far too much food and getting some much needed relaxation from everyday life! My Salt Lake 10 Miler is next weekend! Woot!
I was having problems with my IT band last year, and I did some exercises to help strengthen those muscles (in fact, the article said that it's the knees that really affect the IT band). Here's the article:,7120,s6-241-285--11555-0,00.html
I got a stress fracture trying to run from the middle of my foot (though it may have been more like the ball of my foot hitting the ground first. IDK).
Great job, and good luck!
GREAT job emily! that's so awesome! sorry about the blisters, though :/ i hope you can keep the running up! i had to stop for like 6 weeks when i had my stress fracture. injuries are no fun!
good luck with your 10 miler!
ps: i like the collage :)
so i had to pull up your pictures in the big screen to get a better look cause they were kinda small. you're lookin itty bitty!!!!! i'm so proud of you!! i bet it helped to have a beautiful view while running. i'm still keeping my eyes open for something to work towards, although i don't anticipate my time being as good as yours!!!
WOOHOO!! Congrats again!! Wow, it just sounds so beautiful. And hello, you are lookin good yourself girlfriend!
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