Monday, March 29, 2010

Staying out of debt...

In February, my Visiting Teachers came over to visit with me. Each month we are assigned a topic from the Ensign, which is a magazine produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with uplifting articles and current news of the members around the world. February's article touched on "Managing Resources Wisely and Staying Out of Debt". We discussed ways in which staying out of debt makes us more self-reliant and essentially more happy. After my Visiting Teachers left, I was determined to pay off some of our debt.

The following day, I looked over our finances and decided that we could afford to pay off 1 of my 2 school loans. I went online to pay, only to see that I had a $0.00 balance. I called the borrower immediately and told them I would like to pay off the remainder of my loan. The woman put me on hold and then came back and said my Lender had "Forgiven my Debt" because I had been diligently paying for years. I was shocked...almost $1,000.00 had been forgiven. The woman on the phone told me I would be getting a letter in the mail within two weeks indicating a "paid in full" status of the loan.

A few weeks later, I received a check in the mail for the last payment that was made to my Lender, not only did they forgive the balance, but they also returned my last payment.

Just another tender mercy from the Lord to our little family. We are truly blessed!


Jordan McCollum said...

Congratulations! Way to go on paying so diligently!

Merrells said...

I'm so glad you blogged this to share. Not only a great story for the rest of us to read but a great reminder for you too! I find myself forgetting all of these tender mercies unless I write them down somewhere.

Bethany said...

That is amazing. No kidding, I am getting all choked up... I think because it reminds me of what Heavenly Father does for us and our spiritual debts. Anyway, that is such a good reminder. With all your hard work, you guys deserve it!

Anonymous said...

that gave me the chills! this is such a great experience you had. thanks for sharing :)